Pipe Freezing service is a technology where the pipe modification work can be done without draining the liquid in the pipeline. This technology saves time, resources and shutdown period and helps you to carry on the operations smoothly. Special metal jackets are fabricated depending on the pipe size and installed over the pipe. Liquid nitrogen is inserted in to the metal jackets where the liquid nitrogen freezes the pipe and the temperature reaches negative due to which the liquid in the pipe freezes. Then the necessary modifications can be done on the pipe without draining the liquid in the pipe.
Advantages of Pipe freezing
- Avoid massive drain of liquids
Shut down not required
Minimal man powerWe have our in house pipe freezing team who have an industry experience over 8 years. We offer Pipe Freezing Services in Dubai, UAE at day and also night depending on our clients requirement. We also offer pipe modification works which include (supply, installation commissioning). We are the Proficient choice for this Pipe Freezing Services in UAE and all around here.